Nearly all Bandalasta items were moulded with an identifying mark, usually containing the name Bandalasta and mould number. Notable exceptions are the serviette rings, the ILAT tray plates and the picnic bottle tops. The marks fall into main categories:
Banda Ware
Banda Ware script
Bandalasta ware
Bandalasta script
the ones in which the word Bandalasta is in block text and the ones in which the word Bandalasta is in script. The script version would seem to be on the more recent items (1940’s/1950’s onwards). Some of the earlier marks contain the words “OF BEATL” it is highly probable that these items were the ones marketed by the Beatl Sales Co. in the late 1920’s to early 1930’s. several mould had the Bandalasta name removed and replaced by Fiesta from the 1950’s, the tea caddy and 174 /175 mugs for example.
some of the moulds have the marks on removal plugs so different styles appear on the same items along with names for other customers – Brexton, Coracle, Midland Hotels, Bakelite, CopleyS,
Here are a few examples of the 30 plus different marks identified to date.

plate 139 with Bandalasta Ware plug

plate 96 with Banda Ware script plug

plate 139 with Bandalasta script plug