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An increase in demand for technical mouldings led to Percy designing & building another new type of Transfer Moulding machine. This time to achieve accuracy in moulding micro components, with or without inserts..

Our first automatic Injection Moulding machine, an Italian GBF, was bought in 1962, allowing long production runs for the first time. It was at this time Percy & Cyril made the conscious decision not to enter in the mass production market, quality & skill always our highest priorities. This decision led to an increase in supplying even more complex mouldings to the aerospace & electronics industries. By 1963 we were producing injection moulded components containing fragile glass inserts.



We bought our first automatic Compression Moulding press from Bradley & Turton in 1964, 24 hour production achieving shorter lead times.

Michael Cummings joined the business straight from school, as an apprentice in 1965. He quickly mastered the art of moulding, gaining experience to manage the moulding shop production.