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By Easter 1950 Percy had a built our first Transfer Moulding press. This was designed, manufactured & assembled completely in house using our own tool-room, and are still very much in use today.
Cyril & Joyce’s daughter Jeannette was born in December.

In 1951 we started producing our first mouldings in thermoplastics -acrylic Diakon, nylon 11 Ralsin (now Rilsan) & Polystyrene


1952 was a key year for us, as Charlesworth & Son became a limited company, with Percy & Cyril as equal partners. Building work also commenced on our new purpose-built production plant at Curdworth.

Our long association with Morgan sports cars began in 1952, with Cyril buying his first 4-4 coupe. 

Our involvement with the booming aircraft industry was to grow over the coming years. We were producing specialised parts for, among others; Armstrong Siddeley, Dunlop Rubber Company, GEC, Dowty Rotol, Teddington Aircraft Co. Along with producing precision parts for companies such as Taylor Taylor & Hobson (later to become Rank Taylor Hobson, now part of AMETEK Ultra Precision Technologies).